Show Guide Dallas 2024 Ritz Carlton
I was amazed at the show, by the vendors, your speakers and the staff. Select is the right name for your show. You selected great vendors. I found some great items to drive sales. I made new connections and have already sold items from the show and sold stones that had been shipped in for customers to
I am working with another one of my newest vendors (found at this show) on a program that will continue to give benefits in the years to come. I know that this was all made possible because of the style and temperament of your show. It is so low pressure and yet unlimited in potential. When I attend any show I want to find three great items or ideas that will move my sales and store forward. Coming away from this show with seven is better than great!
I would say to any jeweler; “Sometimes you are just a number at the big shows as you walk past the sea of vendors. Try Select, it is smaller but it will be great for your business.
Randall Diamond Vault of Troy Dallas 2017
The Select show is my favorite show to attend for several reasons.....I don't feel nearly as overwhelmed there and that allows me to make better decisions. I also think the selection of vendors is fantastic, and it doesn't hurt that the venue is so lovely!
Mindy Powder and Smoke Dallas 2017
The Select Jewelry Show truly gets better each time I attend. Joe and his crew have done an amazing job on many levels!
I was impressed with the quality of the vendors and discovered some beautiful new designers to add to my boutique. I was also able to reconnect with some lines I had done business with in my former company.
The venue was lovely and accommodating and, of upmost importance, the food that was provided for breakfast and lunch was divine! Everything was so fresh and delicious!
One of my favorite aspects of Select is the size of this show. I am able to find new and exciting lines without the burden of sorting through a giant show that is 95% what I don’t want!
I'm a fan!
Patty Parker Bingham Dallas 2017